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We, as a group of friends and family would like to raise funds to supplement medical costs which Inez has incurred over the last year. She has one of the most positive, outgoing and beautiful souls we know and she touches everyone with her charismatic personality and courageous spirit.   There is NOTHING we will not do for her to help her on this journey.

Inez Barnard

We are hoping to raise R 200 000 for Inez to help with the enormous medical costs she has incurred (and will continue to incur) until she is able to work again.  While most of her costs have been covered by her Momentum medical aid, she, to date still owes over R 100 000 to doctors and medical professionals.  Added to this she needs to have Herceptin treatment every month for the next 9 months at a personal cost to Inez of R 4 864 per month.  Her medical aid only covers around 80% of this fee for now (actual cost of the Herceptin treatment is R 24 321 per month).


Inez is not the kind of person to ask for any help, so we feel that a fundraiser of this nature will show her how many people love and care about her.

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